Careers at CRIMSON

CURRENT JOB OPENINGS (updated 5/8/2024)

We are always searching for people who are passionate about coffee. Check this page frequently to view current job openings at CRIMSON. If you don’t see a job listed that is perfect for you, email your resume to us and tell us about how your passion for coffee can help grow our community of coffee lovers. We will keep your information on file and contact you if the right fit comes along.


 >> LOCATION: 64 W. Lane Avenue

Roles and Responsibilities:
The Barista contributes to Crimson's success by assisting the Manager, Assistant Manager, and Shift Supervisor to achieve a WOW customer experience for everyone who enters the coffee house every time through efficient service, quality beverages and products, and a clean environment. This position reports to the Coffee House Manager.


>> LOCATIONS: Easton Town Center  

Roles and Responsibilities:
The Barista contributes to Crimson's success by assisting the Manager, Assistant Manager, and Shift Supervisor to achieve a WOW customer experience for everyone who enters the coffee house every time through efficient service, quality beverages and products, and a clean environment. This position reports to the Coffee House Manager.


Email your resume to us (Be sure to add job title and the specific location in the email subject line):

Any other email system? Send email with resume attached to and begin the email with the subject "Application for CRIMSON:" followed by the job title.